Dear applicant/candidate,
We would like to remind you of our regulations regarding the use of photocopies in ABRSM exams. Our regulations state that no photocopies (except for the page turn purposes for the higher grades with permission of the publisher), or pirate books or materials are allowed in the exam room. If anyone is found to be using photocopies, the result may be withheld and a warning letter issued. If the candidate continues to use photocopies in future exam sessions then the exam will be invalidated and no result will be issued.
For further details regarding the law on photocopying please refer to the following paragraph –
Please note that the UK Music Publishers’ Association’s Code of Fair Practice allows copies to be made in certain limited circumstances, such as difficulty with a particular page-turn but only if the copyright holder is listed in Appendix C of the Code. ABRSM reserves the right to withhold the exam result of any candidate where it has evidence of the use of an illegal copy in connection with the exam. For further details, please see Regulation 14k in the Examination Information and Regulations (International Edition) 2011.
Many thanks for your cooperation!
With best wishes,
China Exam Coordinator
请注意英国的音乐出版协会制定的Code of Fair Practice允许在某种特定情况下使用复印谱,例如在某些翻页困难的情况下,但前提是版权所有者必须是在该法典的附件C的出版商之列。ABRSM有权扣留任何在考试相关的情况下非法使用复印谱的考生的成绩。详情见《2011年国际考试信息与规定》规则14k。
ABRSM 中国区总协调员